Derveni - 2010
Derveni, Aktaion
Derveni, Elefsina - Korinthos - Patra - Pyrgos - Tsakona (Olympia Odos) motorway. Vasileos Papathanasiou (LZ EΠΚΑ) reports on the excavation of architectural remains of ancient construction works and a section of a cemetery at the location of construction of the N branch of the Derveni Junction (KM 0+150 – KM 0+470). In the E part of Section 2 the remains of a construction for the channelling of water were found in good condition (Fig. 1). It consists of two parallel rubble walls, which have buttresses on the external surfaces. The space between fluctuates from 4.1 – 4.4 m. A few pieces of poorly fired pottery were collected from inside the channel. This construction probably protected the area to the E from the flooding of the torrent that ran through Section 2.
At the NW limit of the excavated area 7 tile graves were discovered.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 929.
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