Kamari overpass - 2010
Kamari overpass, Elefsina - Korinthos - Patra - Pyrgos - Tsakona (Olympia Odos) motorway . Techniko A 223 (KM 37+008 – 37+072). Vasileos Papathanasiou (LZ EΠΚΑ) reports on the excavation of fragmentary settlement remains. In total there were 24 sections of wall made of unworked stones dated to the Late Geometric, Classical, Late Classical, and Hellenistic periods. Only 2 walls are parallel and are probably the retaining walls of some ancient construction work or a road. They date to the Classical period. Other finds include clay loom weights, fragments of obsidian, iron nails, the head of female clay figurine (2nd half 5th c. BC), as well as a Boeotian coin dated to 370 BC. On the obverse there is a trident and on the reverse a shield.
Two urn burials dating to the late Geometric period were also excavated. Grave 1 contained a young individual inside a large burial vessel accompanied by a trefoil oenochoe and a 2-handled cup as grave goods. Grave 2 contained a burial inside a clay pipe of cylindrical shape in two sections. The external surface of the pipe had painted and incised decoration of Geometric motifs. There were no grave goods.
Furthermore, fragmentary remains of a settlement and probably workshops dating to the later Geometric and Archaic periods were discovered. In particular, 10 fragmentary rubble walls probably form a Π-shaped area, labelled Area A. Inside Area A, there is a layer of small and medium sized unworked stones creating a compacted floor. Small finds: pottery, vestiges of pyres, an obsidian blade, and metal slag.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 928-929.
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