Zeugolatio Junction - 2010
Zeugolatio Junction, Elefsina - Korinthos - Patra - Pyrgos - Tsakona (Olympia Odos) motorway. KM 9+200. Panagiota Kasimi (LZ EΠΚΑ) reports on excavations at the Zeugolatio junction. A cemetery of the Archaic to Classical period and section of a tomb-lined road was located (Fig. 1). Two clusters of graves, one S and one NW of part of a structure that possibly was used as a water channel and which in later times was used as a burial road; also a storage pithos E of the aforementioned structure and vestiges of fire to the NE of the S end of the cemetery. Twenty-four graves were discovered, of which 2 were sarcophagoi, 20 pit graves, and 1 was outside a grave pit. Also, further to the E, another part of an ancient road was discovered together with fragments of 4 storage pithoi. Eleven more graves were investigated to the S of the water channel. Seven of the 11 date to the Archaic period. The other 4 cannot be dated with any accuracy. Only 4 graves (sarcophagoi) had grave goods (Fig. 2): clay objects (skyphoi, kylikes, pyxides, phialae, lebedes gamikoi, lekithoi), but also metal objects (bronze mirrors, rings, earrings, and metal plates from shoes). Among these grave goods, special examples include a phiale with rayed decoration emanating from a central boss and also a pyxis whose handles are in the form of female figures. These come from Grave 7 (6th c. BC).
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 926-927
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