Ancient Corinth - 2010
Korinthos, Corinth
Ancient Corinth, Zekio (property of D. Roumeliotis). Sokrates S. Koursoumis (ΛΖ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on a rescue excavation in collaboration with the 25th EBA. A section of cemetery was discovered including a tile grave with the headless corpse outstretched and the skull at its feet, two destroyed stone sarcophagi, and a pit grave covered with a slab of local limestone. The few grave offerings advocate dating the tombs in the 5th – 4th centuries BC. Another burial that remains unexcavated was located on the eastern slope of the excavation area. A luxurious (secular?) building was erected in the area of the cemetery in Byzantine times. Its apse was constructed of mixed masonry and covered with marble revetment. Its floor was adorned with a colourful mosaic of geometric motifs (Fig. 1).
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 921.
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