Epidauros Limera, Metamorfosi - 2010
Metamorfosis, Gangania
Epidauros Limera, Metamorfosi of Molaoi, Ag. Ioannis. Evangelia P. Eleftheriou (5th EBA) reports on a small-scale rescue excavation approximately 40 m SW of the post-Byzantine church of Ag. Ioannis. On the surface of the field abundant pottery from the Roman to early Byzantine period was identified. Initially 5 exploratory sections and later another were opened. In 4 of these sections, inconsistent concentrations of stones were identified (possibly related to recent agricultural works), as well as a section of rough construction – wall (?) – most probably of recent times. Fragments of tiles were discovered (unglazed and a few with black and red-brown glaze) and abundant pottery (sherds of black-glazed and unglazed vessels, quite a few with scored or grooved decoration) of the late Roman and early Byzantine periods (2nd/3rd-6th c. AD), as well as pottery from more recent years. There was probably a small residential installation in this area.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt (2010) Chr., 630.
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