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Nature de l'opération
Pano Koufonisi
Pano Koufonisi
Notices et opérations liées
Ano Kouphonisi. Ph. Zapheiropoulou (Director Emerita, ΚΑ' ΕΠΚΑ) presents in full 3 EBA cemeteries on the SW end of the island, excavated in 1969−1970. These cemeteries were in use during the period of the Kampos Group.
Agrilia cemetery (M. Simigdalas property): 72 intact rock-cut graves (consisting of the chamber and forecourt), plus a further 20 disturbed, were excavated in an area of ca. 50m x 75m. All contained interments (contracted): some 50 had grave goods (obsidian blades, bronze needles, shell and always a clay pyxis lid, and, in 2 cases, marble vessels). Offerings were placed in the forecourt and covered with 2 layers of earth and stones: a crushed pot was usually placed on the upper layer. In addition to the types of object offered as grave goods, finds include carbonized seeds and fruits and stone amulets. The contents of rich tombs are reviewed: one (29) had a pyre in the large forecourt.
Tzavaris field: this cemetery lies on the peninsula between the Bays of Loutra and Parianos (the main PH fishing harbour), and had been the target of looters. On the highest level of the field were many pits cut into bedrock, some of which contained items such as marble bowls, bronze needles and daggers, and obsidian blades. An area of inhumations lay towards the foot of the hill: 2(?) bodies were laid out on the ground on a flattened area ca. 5.5m x 3m, with broken marble and clay vessels lying over and around them, and stones heaped over them, the whole area being enclosed with a wall to the N and E, and marked with a stone sema.
Skopelitis field, near Ano Mylos: this cemetery had been severely damaged by looters. Nine grave pits were identified with fragmentary grave goods, including marble bowls and figurines, scattered about.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
Ph. Zapheiropoulou, in Horizon. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades, eds. N. Brodie. J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (Cambridge 2008), 183-194; AR 18 (1971−1972), 18; ADelt 25 (1970), Chr 428−30; ADelt 26 (1971), Chr 467.
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Date de création
2009-12-01 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-03 11:31:47