MARONEIA Cave of Polyphemos - 2006
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Maroneia, Cave of Polyphemos. A. Panti and M. Myteletsis (EPSVE) report on excavation in the 2 main chambers as part of a programme to prepare the cave for public viewing. Two trenches were opened, revealing the same 4 strata in each. The top level, 1, dates to the L12th−13th Ct AD and contained a large quantity of glazed and plain pottery, plus animal bone (mainly bovine, implying use of the cave as a shelter). Prominent are cups and plates of Zeuxippos ware group II (including some probable local imitations, noting also many cups similar to those produced at Mikro Pisto in Rhodope), also many lamps. Two legible bronze coins among the 9 found are also of this date (one from Thessaloniki of Theodoros I Laskari [1204] and the other an imitation of Alexander III). Two more found outside the cave were a Latin imitation of Manuel Despotis (1204) from Thessaloniki and a Latin imitation of the small Constantinople type A. Level 2, disturbed and with traces of burning, contained LRom amphorae of types 4 and 7 (7th Ct AD), 1st Ct AD terra sigillata, and some EH sherds. Level 3 was very slight, with a little Neo pottery in trench I and EH sherds in both trenches. Beneath a 0.1m lime crust, level 4 (ca. 0.05m thick) produced EBA akin to that of Sitagroi phase IV and a quantity of EH II, paralleled in Sitagroi phases Va and b (typical shapes include the kantharoid cup and prochous), also spindle-whorls and a serpentine axe. Two intrusive bg sherds of LAr kylikes represent the only evidence for use of the cave between EH II and the LRom period. In addition to excavation, a 3D scan of the cave interior is proposed.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
A. Panti and M. Myteletsis, AEMTh 20 (2006), 21−29
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Date de création
2009-12-01 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-03 11:18:11