Lygourio, ‘Pyramid’ - 2008
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Lygourio, ‘Pyramid’. Christos Piteros (Δ' ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the ‘pyramid’ tower located north-west of the town of Lygourio, 230 m east of the post-Byzantine church of Agia Marina, dated from the 4th to the beginning of the 3rd centuries BC. It is referred to as the ‘pyramid’ tower based on its sloping ground-floor outer walls which provided extra stability for the multi-storey building (Fig. 1).
The base of the tower was rectangular (12.5x14.0 m.). It was built on sloping rocky bedrock and had a N-S orientation. The entrance was in the east and led into the interior via four square rooms of 5.4 m. In the north-eastern corner of the building were the remains of a Roman workshop in which there was a built sink (1.08×0.58-0.80×0.90 m.) and a water pipe of 0.20 m. in width. In the south-western portion of the tower were in situ storage pithoi (Fig. 1).
The tower was a three-storey building, with the ground floor walls made of greyish limestone blocks with their outer faces sloping inward. The walls of the upper floors were vertical and built of bricks, with small doors and large windows for the installation of catapults (Fig. 2).
Within the interior corridor of the tower was a long poros sink with legs in the shape of small pilasters. On the exterior southern side of the tower was most of a roundish worked limestone block (1.25 m. in diameter and 0.50-0.60 m. in width), which served as the base of a wine press. On the upper surface was a rim and three wide but shallow run-off gutters (Fig. 3). This find suggests that the workshop was used for wine production during the Roman period. Around the tower were found fragments of tiles.
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Références bibliographiques
ADelt 63 (2008) Chr., 294-296.
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2017-11-02 00:00:00
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2023-11-20 10:36:39