Asine, Agios Konstantinos - 2008
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Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Paralia asinès
Paralia asinès
Notices et opérations liées
Asine, Agios Konstantinos (Property of G. Ioannidi). Christos Piteros (Δ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the excavation of a cluster of graves aligned on a N-S axis. Most (19) were dated to the 4th to 3rd centuries BC and of these, 15 were pit burials covered with poros slabs (Figs. 1, 3), three were tile-covered and one was a cist grave built with small stones (Fig. 2). Most were found looted and disturbed. In the south-eastern part of the property and within the adjacent property were two Mycenaean pit graves (18 and 19), while in the south-western part of the area were found another three Mycenaean chamber tombs (9, 20 and 21). In the central part of the property was a cluster of eight graves aligned on a NW-SE axis, while a further cluster of eight graves (10-17) with a N-S orientation was identified in the middle of the eastern part of the property (Fig. 4). Grave 13 was covered with tiles while the rest had poros slabs (Figs. 5, 7, 8). Most were looted and disturbed and only in graves 13-16 were skeletons preserved, found in an extended position (Fig. 6). Grave 16 contained a female burial and was the only one to include a small number of grave goods.
Grave 18 was a pit burial covered with three poros slabs (1.25-1.40x0.45-0.85x0.07 m.) (Fig. 9). Its exterior dimensions were 1.35x0.60 x0.63 m. and it contained an adult male burial in extended position. The head was turned to the north while the left arm rested on top of the pelvis. The lower limbs lay on a stone, while the grave was internally paved with white and grey pebbles.
Grave 19 was covered with limestone blocks and smaller stones (Fig. 10). Its exterior dimensions were 2.30x1.30-1.40 m., while the floor was paved with whitish grey pebbles which were only preserved in certain places. It contained very few skeletal remains. The excavator believes that it was cleared of skeletal remains and then left empty.
Grave 9 was a chamber grave with dromos (2.60x1.45-1.55 m.) and rectangular entrance of 1.10 m. high, 0.65-0.70 m. wide and 0.50 m. from front to back, sealed with rubble (Figs. 11, 12). The chamber was elliptical in shape (2.60x3.50 m.) and included the remains of a burial which had been cleared into the north-eastern corner, furnished with grave goods including Vapheio cups and a rounded askos (Figs. 13, 14). In the northern part of the chamber was an adult burial in extended position, laid on a pebble paved floor and associated with Late Helladic I pottery. In the southern part of the chamber was another adult burial in an extended position with right arm folded, also laid on a pebble paved surface. Another adult male burial was found in the central northern portion of the chamber, with legs folded, laid on a pebble floor and dated to Late Helladic I.
Grave 20 was located about 1 m. south of grave 9 (Fig. 11). It consisted of a dromos (3.50x1.10-1.70 m.), an entrance (1.30x0.70-1.0x1.25 m.) sealed with a rubble wall and a chamber of irregular trapezoidal shape (2.50x3.50 m.) (Fig. 15). The upper part of the chamber and roof had collapsed. In the north-eastern corner were found cleared human bones, together with pottery (a jug and a stamnos) of the Late Helladic IIIC. In the central part of the chamber were two adult burials (2 and 3), the later furnished with alabastra, one attributed to Late Helladic IIIA1 and the other to Late Helladic IIIC. (Figs. 16, 17, 18). In the southern portion of the chamber were bronze objects including a dagger and a knife, amongst others. In the north-western part of the chamber was an infant burial associated with two lekythia, a feeding bottle and a clay spindle-whorl. Grave 20 was in use during Late Helladic ΙΙΒ-ΙΙΙΑ1 and IIIC.
Chamber grave 21 was located next to grave 20 and consisted of a poorly preserved dromos sealed with a rubble wall (1.20x0.97-1.0x1.05 m.) and an irregular shaped chamber (2.20x3.40 m.) (Figs. 11, 15, 19). In the western portion of the chamber was a disturbed adult burial and another cranium belonging to an earlier phase. The first burial contained six Late Helladic IIA pots, including a kylix, a cylindrical alabastron, a jug and a Vapheio cup, amongst other types (Figs. 20, 21, 22, 23). In the southern part of the chamber was another burial with pottery dated to Late Helladic I. In the north-eastern portion of the chamber was a small pit with a few skeletal remains and a hoard of 17 flint and obsidian arrowheads. More projectile points were collected from other parts of grave 21, amounting to a total of 21 arrowheads. The tomb was in use during Late Helladic I-IIA.
Auteur de la notice
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 63 (2008) Chr., 285-294
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Date de création
2017-11-02 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-11-20 10:36:12
Fig. 15/ Asine, Agios Konstantinos (Property of G. Ioannidi): Chamber tombs 20 and 21 from the east.
Fig. 21/ Asine, Agios Konstantinos (Property of G. Ioannidi): Pottery with painted palm tree from chamber tomb 21.