Aria, Agios Vlasis - 2008
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Sépulture - Figurine - Four - Outillage/armement - Parure/toilette - Métal - Pierre - Habitat - Nécropole
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Aria, Agios Vlasis (Property of Arkadiki Fasilis S.A.). Christos Piteros (Δ' ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of antiquities attributed to the Late Neolithic to Late Helladic, as well as the historic period. The property was divided into three plots (A- Γ) (Figs. 1, 5, 11).
Plot A produced Late Middle Helladic pottery, chipped and ground stone artefacts and seashells, as well as walls and elliptical deposits of the Middle Helladic period. In the northern part of the plot were the foundations of a Mycenaean building in which two construction phases were identified (Fig. 2). The building was dated to Late Helladic IIIA-B. To the east of this building was a partially preserved adult burial in a contracted position, devoid of grave goods and dated to the Middle Helladic. A second adult pit burial with the body in a contracted position was found to the north of the building. It was covered with limestone slabs and had small stones around the periphery (Fig. 3). The skeleton was in a contracted position and there were no grave goods (Fig. 4). It was also dated to the Middle Helladic. Finally, in the eastern part of the plot A was part of a Hellenistic road.
Plot B was located to the north of plot A and produced parts of house foundations dated to the Middle and Late Helladic IIIA-B, aligned on a N-S axis (Fig 6). Also excavated were five graves (3-7) of the Late Geometric and Hellenistic periods. Additional finds included pottery, obsidian chipped stone artefacts, ground stones, sea shells and a Mycenaean figurine. In the south-western part of the plot were burials attributed to Historic times. Burial 4 (Fig. 7) and 5 were the richest. Number 4 was a cist grave (1.37x1.20 m.) which was covered with limestone slabs, containing the remains of an adult in a contracted position, along with four Late Geometric pots; an amphora, a skyphos-krater, a cup and a skyphos (Fig. 8). Grave 5 was a pithos burial, probably containing the remains of a young girl. A bronze fibula (Fig. 9) was associated with the body while nine pots dated to the Late Geometric period were found outside, including seven small richly decorated cups, a skyphos and an aryballos (Fig. 10).
Plot Γ (Fig. 11) produced pottery and wall foundations attributed to the Middle Helladic, along with a cylindrical spindle-whorl, chipped stone artefacts and murex shells. A Late Neolithic-Early Bronze Age I pit burial (8) was also excavated, together with three pithoid pots of the same period within pits (pots 9-11) (Figs. 14, 15). The burial belonged to an adult in a contracted position and was furnished with six small undecorated vessels (Fig. 13), a small pithoid type pot along with various open types. These were placed in a pit defined by a series of stones along the south side of the burial and probably previously used for storage (Fig. 12). There were five burials attributed to the Geometric period, two in pithoi (Figs. 16, 17) and three in simple pits (Figs. 18, 20). Also excavated was the dromos of a Mycenaean (Late Helladic ΙΙΙΑ) chamber tomb overlying buildings of the Middle Helladic, which continues into the adjacent property. The excavated length of the dromos was 19.50 m., the longest ever discovered in the area of Nafplion, while it was between 1.30-1.45 m. wide (Fig. 19). To the north of the Mycenaean grave were walls and pottery of the Middle Helladic as well as chipped and ground stone artefacts. An adult pit burial and pottery dated to the Neolithic and Hellenistic was found, along with the remains of a circular hearth associated with obsidian, ground stone tools and seashells, dated to the Middle Helladic (Fig. 21).
Auteur de la notice
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 63 (2008) Chr., 273-282.
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Date de création
2017-11-01 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-11-20 10:34:23
Fig. 4/ Aria, Agios Vlasis (Property of Arkadiki Fasilis S.A.): Burial 2 from the east after removal of covering slabs.
Fig. 6/ Aria, Agios Vlasis (Property of Arkadiki Fasilis S.A.): Middle Helladic building from the east.
Fig. 15/ Aria, Agios Vlasis (Property of Arkadiki Fasilis S.A.): Neolithic pottery vessels (10 and 11).
Fig. 17/ Aria, Agios Vlasis (Property of Arkadiki Fasilis S.A.): Six pottery vessels from pithos burial 12.
Fig. 18/ Aria, Agios Vlasis (Property of Arkadiki Fasilis S.A.): Pottery vessels from pit burial 17.