ELEUSIS - 2011
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Eleusis, Elefsis, Elefsina, Lepsina
Eleusis, Elefsis, Elefsina, Lepsina
Notices et opérations liées
Eleusis, Drainage works. Kalliopi Papaggeli (Γ’ ΕΠΚΑ) and Chrysanthi Tzavali (Γ’ ΕΠΚΑ) report on the antiquities found during extensive works on the local drainage system (Figs. 1, 2). On Kontouli and Hatzigeorgiou parts of Roman buildings, and Hellenistic and Archaic walls were found. On Miaouli Roman walls, floors and drains, as well as a Hellenistic retaining wall were revealed. The latter could have supported an ancient road. On Thanasoulopoulou, a kiln and three burials were found. The latter are 1 tile grave and 2 inurned cremations, one of which is Late Archaic. On Kimonos 2 Roman walls and a Roman cist grave were found. On Keleou 2 Late Archaic inurned cremations were excavated. On Stathi 10 Hellenistic-Roman burials (7 tile graves and 3 cist graves) were revealed. On Lysikratous a wall and Hellenistic pottery sherds were found. On Agathou part of a Roman farmstead was excavated as well as 2 Roman burials (1 tile grave and 1 cist grave) and the retaining wall of an ancient road. On Kougioumtzoglou an Archaic workshop, a Hellenistic wall, the foundations of the Hadrianic aqueduct, a Mycenaean chamber tomb, 2 Late Hellenistic-Early Roman tile graves and 1 Classical pit grave were found. On Persephonis Classical and Archaic walls, a Hellenistic well, and 3 Subgeometric-Early Archaic pyres were found. On Petraki 3 Roman graves (1 tile grave and 2 cist graves) were revealed. On Tsoka a Roman kiln was excavated. On Papagianni a Late Classical retaining wall and a contemporary inurned cremations were found. On Athenas and Gr. Lampraki Mycenaean walls, a Classical retaining wall (Fig. 3) and two 5th c. pyres were found. On Pindou part of an ancient road was revealed (Fig. 4). The road appears to have been in use from the Hellenistic until the Archaic period.
Auteur de la notice
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 66 (2011) Chr., 95-96
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Date de création
2017-07-25 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-11-16 08:30:59