MOSCHATO - HSAP railway tracks - 2010
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Année de l'opération
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Notices et opérations liées
Moschato, HSAP railway tracks, (halfway between Kallithea and Moschato stations). Anna Maria Anagnostopoulou (ΚΣΤ’ ΕΠΚΑ) and Maria Raftopoulou (ΚΣΤ’ ΕΠΚΑ) report on the discovery of a stretch of the South or Middle Long Wall (Figs. 1, 2, 3). Specifically, the internal (north) face of the wall was excavated for a length of 38 m. It has an E-W orientation and runs parallel to the railway tracks. A three-stepped krepis was found and the orthostates. These were made from good quality poros stone from the Piraeus. Tool marks are visible on the boulders. The fill of the wall, in-between the orthostates, consisted of rubble. Mud bricks, which were not found, would have been placed on top of this fill. A stone staircase, which would have led to the top of the wall, was also found. More walls were found in the vicinity of the staircase, built with pseudo-isodomic masonry. The space delimited by these walls would have been roofed, since numerous roof tile sherds were found in the area. A gate measuring 1.45 m. wide was also excavated. The gate appears to have fallen out of use in antiquity since it was sealed at some point. This stretch of the wall is dated to Conon’s time, 394 B.C.
The road running between the Long Walls was also discovered. This road connected the asty with the Piraeus. Its maximum width was 5.3 m. Two consecutive road surfaces were identified. They were both made with beaten earth, river pebbles and small stones. The road preserved wheel ruts. A horos stone was found on the road. It reads ΟΡΟΣ ΜΝΗΜΑΤΟΣ, and appears to have fallen from a nearby grave.
The excavation was conducted by L. Despotidou under the supervision of the authors of this report.
Auteur de la notice
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 65 (2010) Chr., 314-316
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Date de création
2017-07-14 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-11-16 08:12:40