GERAKAS, Stavros - 2009
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Gerakas, Stavros, Zaloggou and 25th Martiou (O.T. 178, property of G. Roggiti, and g. and E. Giannakaki). Antonia Gialeli (B’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on continuing excavations in the Classical sanctuary of Athena Pallenis (Fig. 1). Specifically, the excavation focused on the area of the propylon and the adjacent ancient road (Fig. 2). The propylon is a rectangular building measuring 8x16 m. and has a N-S orientation (Fig. 3). It was constructed with large poros blocks (Figs. 4, 5, 6). Its western half was covered by a thick layer of roof tiles, Classical pottery sherds and marble fragments identified as architectural decorations, while its eastern half preserved only small quantities of these.
The propylon was constructed over an earlier Archaic building with a W/NW-E/SE orientation; similar to the orientation of all other Archaic buildings in the sanctuary (Fig. 1). The Archaic building had rubble walls and consisted of two rooms (Figs. 7, 8). Room I had a pebble floor and contained a layer of Archaic pottery sherds and fragments from bird figurines. Room II had a floor of pink clay and small pebbles, and contained an ash layer with numerous fragments from bird figurines.
Another building, measuring 9.50x5.10 m., was identified east of Room II (Fig. 9). This building too had rubble walls, a floor of pink clay, and contained numerous fragments from bird figurines. It also contained Corinthian pottery sherds and ashes. A third building was excavated south of the previously mentioned one (Fig. 10). This building appears to predate all others. In addition, a rubble wall was found in the north part of the property. Unlike all other rubble walls, this has a N-S orientation. Four pyres were excavated west of this wall, one of which contained numerous Archaic pottery sherds, Corinthian pottery sherds, a bronze foil and few animal bones. An ash layer containing Corinthian pottery sherds covered the area of the pits and wall.
The ancient road passing in front of the propylon had a SE-NW orientation, retaining walls on both sides, and preserved wheel ruts (Fig. 11). Two construction phases were identified, one of which is contemporary with the Archaic buildings. The Classical propylon appears to have been constructed on top of part of the Archaic road (Fig. 12).
Finds from the area include terracotta loom weights, spindle whorls, fragments from figurines (birds, animals, female and 1 phallic), marble fragments, a lead disc, a clamp, a nail, two bronze foils, an obsidian blade, iron nails and fragments from small bones. The Classical pottery sherds come from skyphoi, kotyles, plates, kantharoi, lekanides, prochoi, lamps and amphorae. The 7th c. sherds come from alabastra (Fig. 13), aryballoi, phialai, skyphoi and miniature prochoi. Finally a few sherds from the Argolid were identified.
Auteur de la notice
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 65 (2010) Chr., 222-229
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Date de création
2017-07-14 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-11-15 12:43:31
Fig. 3/ Gerakas, Stavros, Zaloggou and 25th Martiou, view of the site: the Classical propylon, Archaic buildings and the ancient road.
Fig. 8/ Gerakas, Stavros, Zaloggou and 25th Martiou, a wall of the Archaic building. The poros boulder in the middle belongs to the Classical propylon constructed on top of the building.
Fig. 12/ Gerakas, Stavros, Zaloggou and 25th Martiou, the ancient road. Its north side was disturbed by the Classical propylon.