KIFISSIA, Koukounarias and S. Kontou - 2009
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Kefissia, Kifisia
Kefissia, Kifisia
Notices et opérations liées
Kifissia, Koukounarias and S. Kontou (O.T. G927, property of P. Oikonomou, I. Vassarioti). Maria Stefanopoulou (B’ ΕΠΚΑ) and Dimitrios Palaiologos (B’ ΕΠΚΑ) report on the discovery of a Neolithic settlement (Fig. 1). An elongated ditch containing thirteen smaller ditches attest to the first phase of use of the area. At a later date, a hut was placed within the ditch. The hut preserves a stone floor and one posthole. At an even later date the hut acquired a circular shape and was reduced to occupying only the centre of the aforementioned ditch. Seven postholes contemporary to this construction phase were found. A second hut was constructed east of this one. This later hut is also circular in shape, had a stone floor and preserves two postholes. Two stone axes and two flint blades were found in the huts, which are dated in the early Neolithic period.
At a later time, the area was used more extensively. Specifically, numerous small structures placed tightly together were identified. Additionally, another 3 huts were excavated. The first hut is circular and was delimited by a stone step. Four postholes were found around its beaten-earth floor and another one in its middle. The second hut had a rough-cut stone as a threshold (Fig. 2) and contained a stone axe, a stone pendant and few sherds from cups. The third hut had a beaten earth floor. A stone structure identified as a hearth was found nearby and is contemporary to these huts.
Two deposit pits containing rubble and pottery, part of a rubble wall, a shaft and a small stone axe appear to postdate the aforementioned phase of use of the area. It appears that these consecutive construction phases were the result of floods, caused by a nearby river.
The area was used again in the Classical period. A rubble wall, pottery sherds and tiles, and 17 shafts dug parallel to one another date to this period. Few prehistoric and Classical pottery sherds, obsidian blades, a flint arrowhead and a 4th c. B.C. bronze coin were found in the shafts. The excavation was conducted by A. Goutou, A. Mpouvi and Ruben Sanz.
Auteur de la notice
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 65 (2010) Chr., 198-200
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Date de création
2017-07-13 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-11-15 12:38:57