Petras - 2007
Informations Générales
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Notices et opérations liées
Petras, plot of E. and M. Pateropoulou-Liontaki. M. Tsipopoulou (ΚΔ' ΕΠΚΑ) reports on a test conducted under her direction with the participation of G. Papadatos in this plot (Figs 1-2), whose eastern boundary abuts the fence around the archaeological site. Architectural remains dating to the MM and LM IA period were discovered, including a probable retaining wall of LM I date and two less thick walls of equivalent use. The earliest remains (EM III/MM IA – MM III) comprised 2 rooms, one destroyed by the LM IA wall and the other with a floor of smoothed bedrock, plus a floor of lime-plaster and small pebbles to its east, the extent of which could not be determined.
The limited scope of excavation and the absence of in situ findings do not allow for any secure conclusions regarding the layout and function of the structures. A most important find, however, was an LM I sealstone depicting a female figure and an animal.
The limited scope of excavation and the absence of in situ findings do not allow for any secure conclusions regarding the layout and function of the structures. A most important find, however, was an LM I sealstone depicting a female figure and an animal.
Auteur de la notice
Caroline Thurston
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 62 (2007) 1228-1230
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Date de création
2016-07-26 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-31 13:28:24