Mochlos - 2007
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Ag. Nikolaos
Ag. Nikolaos
Notices et opérations liées
Preparations for publication of the 1989-1994 and 2004-2005 excavations continued, as reported by J. Soles and K. Davaras. This includes interim reports presented at international conferences on the pottery (K. Barnard and T. Brogan) and architecture (J. Soles and T. Brogan). Studies of flora and fauna (D. Reese and M. Dinou), residue analysis (A. Koh) and analysis of the metals (G. Bassiakos) continued. Under the direction of J. Morrison and D. Park, Minoan potters' wheels were installed in the potters' quarter which was opened to visitors during the summer.
Work on the preservation and maintenance of the site continued under the supervision of Mr. Fragiadaki and S. Chlouveraki. Preservation and backfilling of the Prepalatial settlement was completed, leaving the LM IB and later remains exposed and visible for visitors. The conservation of House C.2 was completed.
Work on the preservation and maintenance of the site continued under the supervision of Mr. Fragiadaki and S. Chlouveraki. Preservation and backfilling of the Prepalatial settlement was completed, leaving the LM IB and later remains exposed and visible for visitors. The conservation of House C.2 was completed.
Auteur de la notice
Caroline Thurston
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 62 (2007), 1235-1236
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Date de création
2016-07-13 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-30 12:47:05