PALLENE - 2009
Pallini, Ano charvati
Pallene, Centre, 12 Rega Pheraiou St. (O.T. 96, property of N. Morarou) D.N. Christodoulou (Β’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of a Hellenistic farmstead. Two rooms and a rough structure were found (Fig 1). The walls of the rooms had been constructed with roughly worked stones. Room 1 had a beaten earth floor and contained iron nails, the iron part of a sickle, a bronze coin and a black-glazed, 3rd c. B.C. lamp. Room 2 contained numerous fragments from pithoi, 2 grindstones and 1 pyramidal loom weight. The structure contained black-glazed and undecorated sherds from plates, kantharoi and lamps. It also contained 2 bronze coins. Lead clamps (many of which on pithoi sherds) and lead lumps were found in the wider area of the farmstead. Finally, a deposit pit was excavated in the vicinity of the building. It contained roof-tiles, fragment from pithoi, sherds from fine ware, a grindstone, a piriform loom weight and a bronze coin.
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