ATHENS - METS - 2009
Athens, Mets, 3 Koutsodemou Yanni St. (O.T. 53011, property of D. Oikonomou). E. Alexaki-Mantzouka (Γ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discoveries of a Hellenistic to Late Roman cemetery and a Late Roman house (Figs 1,2,3,4). In total 9 burials were found: 4 pit graves, 2 tile grave, 2 in-urned cremations and a vessel containing a burial. The burial offerings include 3 unguentaria. In addition, 3 funerary colonnettes were found in secondary use in the walls of the Late Roman house. The funerary colonnettes date in the 1st B.C. – 2nd A.D. and two of them bear inscriptions:
Inscription 1:
ΚΛ[- - - -]
ΚΑΛ[- - -]
Inscription 2:
- - - - - -
[- - -]ΔΑ
[- - -]ΙΟΥ
- - - - - -
The house was constructed with rubble walls and spolia. A hearth or kiln was found, as well as a pithos and the pit for a second one, and parts of two terracotta pipes. Finally, two late Byzantine walls were found in the vicinity of the Late Roman house.
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