ATHENS - 2008
Athènes, Athens
Athens, 38 Myllerou and M. Alexandrou Streets (old Metaxourgheio building). Γ’ ΕΠΚΑ reports on excavation in the basement of the old Metaxourgheio building (Figs 1,2). Two Late Roman cisterns, two pi-shaped terracotta pipes, a shaft, a Roman house and 9 burials were found. Only two of the rooms of the house were excavated, and one of them contained a hearth. The walls were constructed with rubble stones and marble spolia. More walls attest to the house having been repaired at a later phase. The burials include a poros sarcophagus, a pyre and 7 pit graves, which date in Late Hellenistic-Early Roman times.
The excavations were supervised by M. Zaglara, E. Sioula, and K. Christodoulou, and the drawings were created by K. Theocharidou.
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