Athens, Mets, 14-18 Karea and 5 Razikotzika Streets. S. Asimakopoulou and N. Sakka (Γ’ ΕΠΚΑ) report on the discovery of a Late Classical house and a Late Roman building (Fig 1). The area belonged to either the ancient deme of Diomeia or of Alopeke. The house dates in the last quarter of the 4th c. B.C. and consisted of five rooms. It contains a hearth and a built bench, while the floors are not preserved. The walls are 0.40-0.50 cm. thick (Orlandos 1994: 217-219). A piriform cistern, a shaft and a well were excavated N of the house. The well contained numerous 12th-13th c. A.D. sherds. The area remained uninhabited after the destruction of the Late Classical house. It was only rebuilt in Late Roman times, since two rooms attest to this later building phase. Finally, seven, excavated rock-cut pits are interpreted as graves predating the Late Classical house.
S. Asimakopoulou, A. Vasilakopoulou and N. Sakka (supervision) took part in the excavation.
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