ATHENS. - Plaka, Dioskouroi Street - 2007
Plaka, Dioskouron Street (ΔΕΗ construction work). Nikos Tsoniotis (Α’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of the mouth of a silo and of walls. The walls had been constructed by spolia. These include an un-fluted column drum, a large aktite-stone block, fragments of marble architectural members and poros blocks. Additional finds from the area include: 4 fragments from statues, a fragment from the crown of a stele, a fragment from an inscription, and a fragment from architectural relief sculpture. One of the statue fragments (Fig. 1) depicts part of a torso of Artemis. The excavator identifies this as a copy of a Roman classicising statue.
ADelt 62 (2007) Chr., 79
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