ATHENS. - Plaka-17 Tholos Street - 2007
Plaka, 17 Tholos Street (property of H. Mauroleon). Nikos Tsoniotis (Α’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on further excavation in the plot. A wall was excavated which separates two rooms (Fig. 1). Room one had an earth floor. Room 2 contained a tiled floor with signs of repairs (Fig. 2). A section of the floor was plastered with rose-coloured hydraulic cement (kourasani). Pottery dating from the middle of the 3rd until the early 5th centuries A.D. was excavated from the north part of this room. In addition, few 1st c. B.C. sherds were found.
The excavator identifies the rooms as a house. Based on the pottery found at its NE corner, the house is dated in the 1st c. B.C. to the 1st A.D. With respect to the π-shaped terracotta channel, which was reported found in the same plot the previous year, the excavator dates it in the 5th and 6th centuries A.D.
ADelt 62 (2007) Chr., 77-8
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