TRILOFOS Kazani - 2006
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Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
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Trilofos (Kazani). I. Graikos (ΙΖ' ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of a LNeo settlement in rescue excavation for the construction of the new Veroia-Skydra road, at the site of Kazani. The site lies within an arc of settlement along the foothills of Mt Vermion. The extent of the site and the nature of its internal organization remain unclear (the area is disturbed by mod. quarrying and cultivation). It may be as large as 0.5ha, but excavation could cover only ca. 800m2. A stone-paved, likely open-air area, a vaulted channel, pits, oval stone structures, hearths and storage jars were located. Pottery finds include many open angular pots with flat bases, notably black-burnished and black-rimmed pots, with few examples of red-topped and other burnished wares. Other finds are few: they include stone tools, 3 clay figurines and a stone bead.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
I. Graikos, AEMTh 20 (2006), 795−803 AD 61 (2006), B2, p. 893-896.
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Date de création
2009-12-01 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-03 09:41:02