DORATI - 2007
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Néolithique - Néolithique Ancien - Néolithique Récent
Âge du Bronze - Bronze Ancien - Bronze Moyen - Bronze Récent
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Dorati (anc. Ornees). J. Marchand (Wright State University), I. Tzonou-Herbst (ASCSA), and M. Boyd (Cambridge) summarise the results of intensive survey of the Dorati hill on the coastal plain between Corinth and Sikyon, where Mycenaean settlement had previously been identified. The survey took place in 2004, with study continuing to 2007. Of the 761 diagnostic sherds catalogued, only 63 are post-prehistoric. Neolithic sherds were scattered over the entire site: these comprised Early and Late Neolithic (variegated bowls and black burnished bowls respectively), although no Middle Neolithic was found. The quantity of pottery increased markedly during Early Helladic, with most concentrated on the southeast part of the plateau: typical wares are Early Helladic II white slipped bowls and vessels with incised decoration (including herringbone pattern), although EHII saltcellars have not been identified. However a decline in Middle Helladic was sustained throughout the Early Mycenaean period: wares include grey and yellow Minyan, black burnished and mainland polychrome.
The largest part of the pottery collected dates to Late Helladic, with all phases represented. Late Helladic I sherds were scattered across the site, while LHIIA goblets with black and red glaze or with spiral decoration continued into LHIIB (alongside Vapheio cups). The palatial period is the best represented (in terms of quality and quantity of pottery). A large quantity of LHIIIA-B sherds comes from the top of the hill, as well as the slopes to the north, east and west, including LHIIIA1 goblets, cups, jugs and shallow cups, and LHIIIA2 kylikes, cups, kraters and rhyta. One sherd of a probable stirrup jar had a bird depiction. LHIIIB1 pottery includes a stirrup jar, kylikes, deep bowls with high feet, and dippers. Typical of LHIIIB2 are group B deep bowls. The quantity of pottery declined during LHIIIC, with finds largely concentrated on the hill top: the 71 catalogued sherds include monochrome conical kylikes and deep bowls, plus kraters, basins, cups and deep bowls, and a large number of imported Achaian monochrome closed vessel sherds in a hard red fabric (as previously found at Korakou). Aeginetan imports of cooking and fine vessels continue from Middle Helladic to LHIIIC, with potters’ marks appearing on a variety of shapes (on or above the base or on handles, and consisting of incised lines, and impressed triangle or an inverted T).
In addition to pottery, finds include Mycenaean terracotta figurines (ΦA and B, and ΨA types, plus animals and one larger bovine figure), miniature figurines, sherds (as kylix stems) reworked as lids or stoppers, terracotta and steatite spindle whorls, flint cores and flakes, and the lip of a lead vessel. Numerous millstones of imported grey and red andesite were found, plus sea shells (mostly porphyry, though with no evidence of use). Of the little post-LHIIIC material recovered, only a Late Roman cooking pot is ancient.
Architectural spolia (including well-worked blocks) were recorded, plus walls on either side of the southern part of the plateau (mostly aligned with the plateau, but with three large cross walls too). A potential cemetery is noted on the lower eastern slopes. Geophysical survey of 1/5th of the survey area in 2004 revealed structures especially on the uncultivated (and less visible) western side of the hill, including a rock-cut complex covering ca 1600m2 which reveals a level of organization above the household. Following a fire in 2007, a dense concentration of walls (some Mycenaean) was revealed on the hilltop, along with a stretch of probable fortification wall on the west slope.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
K. Kissas and W.-D. Niemeier (eds). The Corinthia and the Northeast Peloponnese (Munich 2013), 29-30 (J. Marchand, I. Tzonou-Herbst, M. Boyd).
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2014-07-16 00:00:00
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2023-10-18 06:44:45