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Chelidoni, Chelidonion
Chelidoni, Chelidonion
Notices et opérations liées
Diamantakou (Magarzi), Chelidoni. X. Arapogianni (Ζ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports the discovery of a group of five Mycenaean chamber tombs following looting in this known cemetery.
The LHII – LHIIIA2 tomb 1, on the east side the hill, was oriented north-south and entered from the north. The tholos had collapsed (leaving the chamber filled with debris) and looters had removed the wall sealing the entrance and robbed the niche in the west wall of the dromos. The chamber was an irregular rectangle (maximum wall length 2.63 x 2.53, maximum preserved height 3.34m). The dromos (5.75 x 1.56-1.48m) was carefully constructed, sloping down to the entrance, and preserved to a height of 2.85m. The chamber was intact, and contained four undisturbed burials plus one displaced burial. Burial α’, a contracted inhumation on the west side of the chamber, had glass paste plaquettes and two terracotta spindle whorls around the cranium, and by the pelvis an alabastron and four spindle whorls. Burial β’, to the west, was a contracted inhumation: by the pelvis were a kyathos and jug, by the right foot a spindle whorl, and around the cranium glass beads of various shapes and a terracotta bird-shaped pendant. Burial γ’, an outstretched inhumation, was in the centre of the tomb: by each wrist was at least one sealstone, and on the left side of the cranium, a bronze sword, two cups, an alabastron, a cup-lebes, two jars, and a variety of beads. Burial δ’, a contracted inhumation to the west of burial γ’, had an albastron at the foot. The displaced burial was in the southwest corner of the tomb: among the bones were a jar, a terracotta spindle whorl, a sealstone, and a variety of beads.
Tomb 2 (LH IIIA2) lay 3.5m southeast of tomb 1 and on the same orientation. The oval chamber (1.5 x 1.72m) was well constructed and preserves the tholos to a height of 1.67m. The steeply down-sloping dromos was 4.1m long and 0.9-1.12m wide, preserved to a height of 2.25m. The chamber was empty with the exception of scattered disarticulated bones along the east side, and on the west, two alabastra, four spindle whorls and a variety of beads.
Tomb 3, which had a very small chamber (1.09 x 0.8m, preserved height 0.69m), lay 1.6m west of tomb 2. The well-built dromos was 3.45m long and 0.92m wide. The dry-stone wall sealing the entrance was intact, but the tomb, while unrobbed, contained no grave goods.
Tomb 4 lay a short distance further northeast: the chamber was almost trapezoidal (1.08 x 0.55m, 0.72m in height), the dry-stone wall sealing the entrance intact, and (uniquely) the dromos was cut parallel to the chamber (2.52m long and 0.94m wide). The tomb contained neither bones nor goods.
The LH IIB- LH IIIA tomb 5, on the west side of the hill, was oriented north-south and entered from the north. The tholos had collapsed into the chamber. The chamber was an irregular rectangle (5.26 x 3.1m) preserved to a height of 3.7m, while the carefully cut, downsloping dromos was 7m long, 1.6m wide and preserved to a height of 2.99m. An oval niche in the west wall of the dromos close to the tomb entrance held a contracted inhumation with a cup and an alabastron: a few sherds were found in the dromos. The wall sealing the chamber entrance had been breached and the chamber looted. Grave goods in the northeast of the chamber (a cup and jug, nine spindle whorls, a variety of beads and a set of bronze tweezers) had escaped the attention of the looters. Two alabastra, a tripod cup, and a round handleless jar were restored from sherds found in the chamber. Bones were scattered over the entire surface of the chamber. Three burial pits were cut into the floor. Pit 1, to the west of the entrance (1.6 x 0.3m, 0.6m deep) contained a single supine inhumation, with a cup and a spindle whorl at the feet. Pit 2, oval in shape (1.26 x 0.48m, 0.15m deep) and oriented east-west, was situated by the south wall of the chamber. It contained a contracted inhumation without grave goods. Pit 3 (1.42 x 0.42m, 0.22m deep) occupied the southeast corner of the chamber, oriented north-south. It contained disarticulated bones and a spindle whorl.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 60 (2005) Chr. B1, 314-315
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Date de création
2014-07-07 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-17 10:42:24