ATHENS - 2005
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
15 Misaraliotou Street. †P. Bougia (Γ ΕΠΚΑ) reports the discovery in the eastern corner of this property of a cistern (2.95 × 2.14m), 3.02m beneath the modern street level. Material found in secondary use included a marble grave stele. The bottom of the cistern was lined with fragments of tiles in hydraulic mortar. Sherds of unpainted amphorae and smaller West Slope vessels were recovered from the fill above the floor.
A well was also investigated with a terracotta stomion and an inner diameter of 1.27 m.
Auteur de la notice
Robert PITT
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 60 (2005) Chr. B1 88-89
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Date de création
2014-07-04 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-17 10:31:23