KERKYRA - Kanoni - 2005
Informations Générales
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Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Kanoni (property of M. Pierri). G. Metallinou (Η’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports the discovery of a confined area of burning which contained two free burials dated to the Early Christian period by pottery and an inscribed figure of a fish. At a deeper level lay a rectangular room (7.5 x 4m) with stone walls and a marble floor (part of which was preserved in the northwest corner). One wall contained spolia; two threshold blocks were found. A further structure (a wall and stepped structure) was found outside the room’s west wall. The destruction layer over the room contained 71 bronze coins, including an issue of Julia Mammaea of ca. 225AD with provides a terminus ante quem for this phase of construction. Beneath two further levels empty of architectural remains lay three retaining walls of roughly worked stones plus large quantities of shell and pottery (including Protocorinthian and Attic black-figure of the early seventh – late fifth centuries).
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 60 (2005) B1 Chr. 552.
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Date de création
2014-03-29 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-17 05:45:41