KERKYRA - Kanoni - 2005
Informations Générales
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Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Kanoni (Dendrinou property). G. Metallinou (Η’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports the discovery of a Classical-Hellenistic building. Reflecting a change in ground level between the east and west sides of the plot, a well-built (isodomic) stone retaining wall ran north-south down its centre (preserved length 18.2m; width 0.5-1.1m). Founded directly on the clay substrate, the wall survives to a maximum height of six courses (2m). In the eastern part of the plot was a 7.1m-long stretch of water channel (built of pieces of tile), bordered by three partially-preserved walls (mostly foundations). Two east-west walls (maximum length 5.2m) abutted the west side of the retaining wall and continued beyond the boundary of the plot; a water channel built of cover-tiles ran parallel to them. A further stone-built water-channel and its northern boundary wall ran parallel to the retaining wall.
A plaster-lined structure, probably a cistern, in the west of the excavated area continues into the neighbouring plot; a brick and stone water channel was also found. This channel and the first-mentioned channel above ran perpendicular to a further channel, indicating the existence of a water supply grid.
In the north of the plot was one external wall of a building with continued further to the north, beyond the excavation area. On the south side of this wall was a threshold and column capital; a 2.5m-wide street ran east-west between the wall and a water channel.
Significant amounts of pottery and bronze coins were collected, plus terracotta figurine fragments, seven stamped sherds, 200 terracotta loomweights, sherds with figurative decoration and Corcyran transport amphorae. Close to the junction the three water channels was a concentration of 459 murex shells (Murex brandaris and Murex trunculus). Initial reading of the finds dates activity to Late Classical and Hellenistic times.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 60 (2005) B1 Chr. 551-2.
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Date de création
2014-03-29 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-17 05:44:46