SPASMENI VRYSI - Karyotes - 2004
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Leukas, Spasmeni Vrysi, Karyotes (property of S. and D. Vlachou). M. Stavropoulou-Gatsi (ΛΣτ' ΕΠΚΑ) reports the discovery of further graves from the south cemetery of the ancient city, during rescue excavation on a plot investigated on three previous occasions (ADelt 45 [1990] Chr 250-4; ADelt 47 [1992] Chr 286-8; ADelt 49 [1994] Chr 390-1). Eighty-eight tombs were found, two of which lay mostly outside the plot and were not excavated: these include 16 cists, 12 tile graves, 22 pits, three inurned cremations, two sarcophagi, and two graves of idiosyncratic form. Burials were more densely arranged in the northwest part of the plot and more widely spread in the southeast. Most were damaged, with the cist walls pushed in and the covers of tile graves displaced. Finds include pottery (the most common shapes being aryballoid lekythoi, oinochoes, lamps, skyphoi and unguentaria), mirrors, strigils, and coins etc. Twenty-three grave stelai were recovered, many with inscriptions.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 56-59 (2001-2004) B5, 139-40.
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Date de création
2013-06-11 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-11 14:20:09