IKLAINA - 2011
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Iklaina. M. Kosmopoulos (ASA) reports on continuing excavation focused on the cyclopean terrace and surrounding area (Fig. 1). Two further small rooms of the building complex south of the terrace were revealed, containing LH IIIB pottery, painted plaster, a decorated terracotta offering table, and bronze sheet. Southeast of the rooms was a large refuse deposit (4.5m in diameter) containing ash, burnt ovicaprid and pig bones, animal figurines, a piece of lead leaf, painted plaster, many whole vessels and sherds – finds which in combination indicate the practice of open air rituals (Fig. 2). The terrace foundations were built of large stones and stone slabs: sherds in the foundation fill date to LH IIIA2/IIIB and LH IIB/IIIA1.
North of the terrace, a strong wall of large worked stones was probably also a retaining wall (being 2.5m wide): its length has yet to be established. Fill in front of this wall contained numerous LH IIIA2/IIIB sherds, slags, tiny fragments of bronze, a terracotta animal figurine, and the head of a small bronze male figurine.
At the east of the terrace was a partially preserved but carefully laid paved courtyard or square (Fig. 3). Two channels drained rainwater from this court. East of the terrace, excavation of the large, partially preserved Building X (14.6 x 7m) continued. The excavator hypothetically reconstructs a plan comprising a sekos and prodomos. Modifications and additions to the building were made from time to time, but apart from LH IIIA2/B sherds on the south side, no finds were made in the interior. Outside the southeast corner, a plain, undecorated stele, in situ on its base, was probably a boundary marker.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
Ergon 2011, 26-29.
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Date de création
2012-07-20 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-10 13:29:48