GYTHEIO - 2003
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Gytheio (Kastoros Street, O.T. 25, Malakodimou-Katsaphadou property). E. Zavvou (formerly Ε’ ΕΠΚΑ, now Epigraphical Museum) and A. Maltezou (Ε’ ΕΠΚΑ) report on finds from a group of six Late Roman cist tombs excavated by A. Themos in 2003. The tomb walls were built of alternating layers of brick and mortar, with small unworked stones and pieces of roof- and floor-tile. The two oldest tombs (2 and 3) formed the original funerary monument around which the remaining burials were made. All but one were oriented north-south, all had lost their covers, and all but one had earth floors (the exception, 4, had a tiled floor). Inside were the mingled remains of multiple burials, and in just three cases (1-3) grave goods.
Tomb 1 contained multiple burials from the late fourth to the late fifth or the sixth century, plus seven vases arranged in groups. On the south side were a lekythos and cup, on the west a bowl or deep plate, on the north two small oinochoae, and on the east two lekythoi. Sherds of another bowl or deep plate were collected within the tomb.
Tomb 2 contained multiple burials with skeletal remains and grave goods disposed in different levels. In the top level were fragments of three North African type lamps of the late fifth or sixth century, products of a local workshop (noting the discovery of moulds during excavation on the Kapasouri property on Herakleous Street). On the south side of the tomb was an unguentarium: at a slightly lower level in the southwest corner was a sixth-century lamp.
Tomb 3 contained a cup and bowl and a silver earring, indicating use of the tomb from the late fourth to mid fifth century.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
E. Zavvou and A. Maltezou, ‘Ρωμαική κεραμική από τις λακωνικές πόλεις Γύθειο, Ασωπό και Βοιές', in D. Papanikola-Bakirtzi and D. Kousoulakou (eds), Κεραμεικη της Ύστερης Αρχαιότητας από τον Ελλαδικό Χώρο (3ος -7ος αι. μ.Χ.) (Thessaloniki 2010), 764-769, 774.
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Date de création
2012-07-19 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-10 13:20:37