MODI Liontari - 2007
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Fortification - Maison - Sépulture - Outillage/armement - Parure/toilette - Métal - Os - Pierre - Habitat - Nécropole
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Modi (Liontari). E. Konsolaki-Giannopoulou (ΚΣτ' ΕΠΚΑ) reports on research on the LMyc site on the nowadays deserted island of Modi, off the E coast of Poros. Surface collections (A. Kyrou) had included Myc pottery and small bronzes, with evidence for a LCl−Hel watch-point on the N part of the island. Excavation confirmed LMyc settlement. In the W part of the island, 2 rooms of a poorly preserved structure, founded on bedrock, were excavated. On a terrace of the SE slope below the central ridge was found a 7 x 2m structure with 2 rooms: the fill contained part of a 12th Ct BC Argive pictorial krater (perhaps waiting for transhipment), plus fragmentary LH IIIB/C terracottas. A newborn infant was buried under the floor of the S room in a small casket with bone decoration. On a plateau in the SE part of the island was a large complex of at least 7 rooms: pottery in the destruction level dates to LH IIIC, but earlier levels have not yet been reached. In the surface layer here were EH sherds, a serpentine button seal of likely EBA date and a terracotta palette akin to ECyc marble examples. In the floor deposit was a miniature bronze wheel likely of LH IIIC date. Overall, the pottery assemblage consisted of coarsewares and finewares mainly dating to LH IIIC E and M, with smaller proportions of LH IIIB2 and LH IIIC L. Cretan connections are confirmed by a large transport stirrup jar and a fragment of a tripod tray: a piece of copper ingot and sheet bronze from a vessel also point to trade.
Surface remains of stone structures on the terraced slopes and a fortification wall on the W side indicate a substantial, well protected settlement. A trading role (perhaps as a maritime stop-over) is proposed.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
E. Konsolaki-Giannopoulou, ΕΠΑΘΛΟΝ. Αρχαιολογικο Συνεδριο προς τιμην του Αδωνιδος Κ. Κυρου (Athens 2007), 171-98; From Mesogeia to Argosaronikos (Athens 2009), 514-517.
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Date de création
2009-12-01 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2024-02-15 14:44:36