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Nauplion. The 25th EBA presents a review of Late Antique and Byzantine finds from rescue excavations in 2000-2010.
Two Ottoman houses were discovered. Only the basements and foundations survive of the first, on the property of D. and I. Dioili (Kapodistriou and Evthymiopoulou Streets, Ο.Τ. 187Β). The second (residence of Κ. Κanellopoulou, Ethnikis Antistasis and Zygomala Streets, Ο.Τ. 192Β) is near the Sagredou gate leading to Acronauplia. It is also near a house identified with that of the Aga of Nauplion during the second Tourkokratia, the owner, by tradition, of the large mosque (known today as ‘Vouleftiko’) on Staikopoulou Street and of the Christian church (later turned into a mosque) now known as the Frankoklisia. Excavation revealed adjunct rooms and a large quantity of Ottoman tobacco pipes of very fine quality (one of which was gilded). In deeper levels, a small kiln with Late Byzantine pottery probably belonged to a small workshop extra muros.
Excavation on the property of L. and G. Mastorakou (Syntagma Square, Ο.Τ. 130Α) revealed a paved road which led towers the area of the Square (the Sagredou armoury). Before the pavement was another road identified as that leading to the Porta della Piazza.
Three rescue excavations in the area of Rodi revealed sections of the conduit of the first Venetian period which brought water to the city of Nauplion from the spring of Kanathos (in the Byzantine monastery of Aria).
Auteur de la notice
Robert PITT
Références bibliographiques, p. 142.
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Date de création
2012-07-01 00:00:00
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2023-10-09 14:54:13