Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Habitat - Sculpture - Revêtements (mur et sol) - Mosaïque - Sépulture - Maison - Fortification - Nécropole
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Naupaktos. The ΛΣτ’ ΕΠΚΑ reports the following discoveries.
At Arvala, a fortified site was found ca. 200m north of the medieval kastro (Fig. 1). The fortification, which includes one corner tower and two gates, has the same construction of the main city circuit and is likely contemporary with it.
1st Public School: part of a Roman complex was investigated, comprising two buildings (K1 and 2). (Fig. 2). The larger, Κ2, which was rebuilt in the fourth century AD, had at least nine rooms, most with geometric floor mosaics. The most important room was likely use for cult purposes and contained fragments of sculpture and marble revetments and decorative inlay (crustae) from the walls (Fig. 3).
Xenia hotel: the southeast corner of the city fortification was found.
Cemeteries: major portions of the ancient cemeteries, especially the west cemetery, have been excavated. Through the west cemetery ran the main road leading to the west of the city, with funerary monuments, Macedonian type tombs and simpler graves alongside it. Wealthy graves mostly of the Hellenistic period were excavated, but attention is drawn to the use of the area for burial (inhumations in pithoi) from the second half of the ninth century onwards (Fig. 4).
Auteur de la notice
Robert PITT
Références bibliographiques
M. Stavropoulou-Gatsi,, pp. 65-66.
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Date de création
2012-07-01 00:00:00
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2023-10-09 14:42:12