Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Acharnes, Acharnae, Menidi
Acharnes, Acharnae, Menidi
Notices et opérations liées
Gerovouno. 126 Dimokratias Avenue. M. Platonos (Β’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports that excavation for the creation of a side road of the Attiki Odos uncovered a Late Roman farm house (15.75 x 7.85m) with two wings immediately west of Dimokratias Avenue (Fig. 1). Inside the eastern part of the house was an area with hearths and large storage pots (Fig. 2). Near the north part of the west wall were two enchytrismoi inside amphorae (Fig. 3). One room had a flight of stairs to an upper level.
At least two chronological phases could be observed from the construction of the walls: in the first phase the walls are built with irregular stones of small and medium size and lime mortar, while in the second phase they are wider and built with larger stones and less mortar (mainly on the insides). Both phases date to the Late Roman period (third-fifth centuries AD). (Fig. 4). The enchytrismoi are sixth-century AD. Within and around the complex, 40 bronze coins were collected, plus many fragments of glass vessels, a column base, lamps, pithoi, and two bread stamps with a cross design.
Auteur de la notice
Robert PITT
Références bibliographiques
AD 56-59 (2001-2004) Chr., 419-421.
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Date de création
2011-07-01 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-09 14:00:49
Fig. 3/ Acharnes, 126 Dimokratias Avenue: enchytrismoi in amphorae or beehives near the north part of the west wall of the farmhouse.