Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Acharnes, Acharnae, Menidi
Acharnes, Acharnae, Menidi
Notices et opérations liées
20022002 (1)
Acharnes, Charavgi. Junction of Irakleous and Zaimi Streets. M. Platonos (B’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports the discovery, east of Philadelpheias street and southwest of the junction with the above roads, of 10 tombs from a Classical cemetery, of which eight were pyres in rock-cut pits (Fig. 1) and two were tile graves. Goods comprise black-glaze and red-figure lekythoi, a black-figure cylindrical pyxis with a lid decorated with water fowl (Fig. 2), a black-glaze aryballoid lekythos, an oinochoe with a scene of a man and dog, an olpe (Fig. 3), a black-figure lekythos, and a black-glaze skyphos, dating from the late seventh to the end of the fourth century BC. One pyre contained 12 loomweights. From the disturbed fill of another pyre came the neck of a black-figure loutrophoros with a procession scene (Fig. 4).
One further grave contained a small limestone sarcophagus (1.2 x 0.54 x 0.41m) for a small child, with a pedimental cover. Inside were four white-ground lekythoi (Fig. 5), an olpe, an aryballoid lekythos with meander pattern, a larger red-figure aryballoid lekythos with a Nike (Fig. 6), a black-glaze amphoriskos (Fig. 7), a bird figurine and a metal ear-pick. The tomb dates to 450-420BC.
Auteur de la notice
Robert PITT
Références bibliographiques
AD 56-59 (2001-2004) Chr., 399-401.
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Date de création
2011-06-30 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-09 13:54:38
Fig. 1/ Charavgi, junction of Irakleous and Zaimi Streets: general view of the pyres from the southeast.
Fig. 3/ Charavgi, junction of Irakleous and Zaimi Streets: black-glaze and black-figure pottery from the pyres.
Fig. 4/ Charavgi, junction of Irakleous and Zaimi Streets: black-glaze loutrophoros from the fill of pyres.
Fig. 5/ Charavgi, junction of Irakleous and Zaimi Streets: bird figurine and white-ground lekythoi from the pyres.
Fig. 6/ Charavgi, junction of Irakleous and Zaimi Streets: red-figure lekythos with a Nike from the child burial in a limestone sarcophagus.
Fig. 7/ Charavgi, junction of Irakleous and Zaimi Streets: black-glazed amphoriskos from the child burial in a limestone sarcophagus.
Fig. 8/ Charavgi, junction of Irakleous and Zaimi Streets: section of the road and bordering channels north east of the pyres.