Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Port - Nécropole - Habitat - Installation hydraulique - Pierre - Outillage/armement - Sépulture - Péribole - Maison - Puits
Nature de l'opération
Kalyvia Thorikou, Kouvara
Kalyvia Thorikou, Kouvara
Notices et opérations liées
Kalyvia Thorikou. A. Tsaravopoulos (Β’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports:
Phoiniκia site (Melissourgou-Kouroupi estates and the Papangelou, Chatzigeorgiou, Xesternou, and Gkiouli properties). Excavation begun in 1996 in the Late Geometric to fourth-century BC cemetery northwest of the Melissourgou tower, opposite the tomb of the Kroisos kouros, was continued.
Most tombs were inurned cremations, the ashes sometimes placed nearby (Fig. 1) and sometimes in the cremation pit (Fig. 2). A number of small terracotta larnakes may be for children. One of the fifth-century urns was placed in a marble box wrapped in cloth, the remains of which were examined by experts at the Louvre and shown to contain silk thread. Figs 3-4 illustrate pottery from the graves.
Investigation of the continuation of the above cemetery on the Kiteza site (Orphanou plot) revealed nine Classical rock-cut graves, four with remains of burning.
Kiteza site (V. Kaila plot). A small part of a Classical house and a well cut into the schist were found. Part of a fourth-century Panathenaic amphora was recovered.
Perivolakia site (Pressa plot). Early Bronze Age sherds and many obsidian blades and arrow heads were found behind the modern town hall. The hill to the northeast was most probably the site of a prehistoric settlement.
Kiteza site (Bogiaki, Mylona plot). Part of a funerary peribolos was found with two stone sarcophagi, and outside it many sherds of pottery used for funerary dining.
Lagonisi site (Kiteza shore, cape Katsoulierti). The foundations of a small circular Hellenistic defensive tower were discovered on the cape (Fig. 5), with tombs. Later Imperial tombs on the east slope and at the shore, two further Hellenistic walls, perhaps of a harbour installation.
Auteur de la notice
Robert PITT
Références bibliographiques
AD 56-59 (2001-2004) Chr., 370-371.
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Date de création
2011-06-28 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-09 11:50:53
Fig. 2/ Kalyvia Thorikou, Phoinikia: cremation pit with two amphorae serving as cremation urns buried within it.