ATHENS - Kerameikos - 2002
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Kerameikos Excavations, Céramique
Kerameikos Excavations, Céramique
Notices et opérations liées
78 Peiraios Street. Ch. Stoupa (Γ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports the excavation of workshop areas of the end of the fourth-beginning of the third century BC, as well as nine second-century BC graves (Fig. 1). Five pottery kilns were discovered (Fig. 2), one of which (K4) contained sherds of the fifth and fourth centuries BC. Towards the centre of the area, a rock-cut pit was identified as a bronze foundry of the second half of the fourth-century BC (Fig. 3): to its east lay the remains of a semicircular clay mould, a ticket or tally-piece, and a plate.
Graves dug into the area in the second century BC, after after its destruction, comprise seven tile graves, one cist with walls of monolithic marble blocks, and one infant enchytrismos in an amphora placed within a cutting in the rock.
Auteur de la notice
Robert PITT
Références bibliographiques
AD 56-59 (2001-2004) Chr., 234-235.
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Date de création
2011-06-23 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-09 11:25:00