AEGINA - Kolonna - 2006
Égine, Aigina, Aegina
W. Gauss and R. Smetana, ‘Aegina Kolonna in the Middle Bronze Age’, in A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki and J. Wright (eds), Mesohelladika (BCH supp. 52), Paris/Athens 2010, 165-174; W. Gauss, ‘Aegina Kolonna. Pottery classification and research database’, op.cit. 635-640; F. Kanz, K. Großschmidt and J. Kiesslich, ‘Subsistence and more in Middle Bronze Age Aegina Kolonna: an anthropology of newborn children’, op.cit. 479-487; G. Forstenpointner, A. Galik, G. E. Weissengruber, S. Zohmann, U. Thanheiser, and W. Gauss, ‘Subsistence and more in Middle Bronze Age Aegina Kolonna: patterns of husbandry, hunting and agriculture’, op.cit. 733-742; A. Galik, S. Zohmann, G. Forstenpointner, G. E. Weissengruber, and W. Gauss, ‘Subsistence and more in Middle Bronze Age Aegina Kolonna: exploitation of marine resources’, op.cit., 743-751.
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