METHANA - Agios Konstantinos - 2000
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Maison - Figurine - Four - Édifice religieux - Sanctuaire - Temple - Théâtre - Fortification - Inscription - Outillage/armement - Parure/toilette - Revêtements (mur et sol) - Sculpture - Terre cuite architecturale - Métal - Établissement de spectacles - Nécropole - Production/extraction
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Agios Konstantinos, Methana. E. Konsolaki-Giannopoulou (ΚΣτ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on renewed excavation at the Mycenaean shrine in 1995-2000, which brought to light Mycenaean building remains west and north of the chapel. The most significant finds were Room G and Building Z, both structures in use from later LH IIIB into LH IIIC.
Room G (7 x 5m, oriented east-west), immediately north of, and partly destroyed by, the modern chapel, has its main entrance on the west side and a secondary entrance close to the northeast corner. The roof was supported by two wooden columns on the central axis of the building, the stone bases of which are preserved. To the left of the entrance in the northeast corner was a low stone bench, next to which a conical hollowing in the bedrock may have been made to receive libations. In the northwest corner, left of the main entrance, was a small hearth built of flat stones inside which was a large quantity of ash and burnt animal bone. Two female figurines (a proto-Phi type and a Group B Phi) were found in Room G, along with a few fragments of animal figurines. Significance may be attached to the two female figurines, noting the rarity of female forms among the quantity of terracottas found in the cult Room A. Cult use, if occasional, of Room G is thus inferred.
Building Ζ, a large megaron-like structure 15m to the north, stands alone in an open area, and was likely the seat of a cult official.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
E. Konsolaki-Giannopoulou, ‘Νέα προϊστορικά ευρήματα από την Τροιζηνία’, in V. Vasilopoulou and S. Katsarou-Tzeveleki (eds), From Mesogeia to Argosaronikos (Markopoulo 2009), 511-513.
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Date de création
2011-06-18 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2024-02-16 13:39:09