MYCENAE - 2010
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Maison - Palais - Sépulture - Figurine - Outillage/armement - Peinture - Parure/toilette - Métal - Pierre - Habitat
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Mycenae. S. Iakovides (ASA) reports on the 2010 excavation season.
In the East House (Fig. 1), remains excavated by N. Verdelis in 1962 were again exposed. LH IIIC walls and a built bench indicate that the residence extended further to the north. The west side of the building was also investigated, and Hellenistic incursions into the structure traced, noting differences in wall construction and finds of different periods, including a Hellenistic female figurine (Fig. 2), an LH IIIC prochous (Fig. 3) and a two-handled plate (Fig. 4).
Continuing excavation in the lower city (Fig. 5) fully revealed two successive natural fills which covered the archaeological remains and separated them from more recent, Geometric and Archaic constructions. The older and thicker level of flood deposits from the Chavos contained no cultural material: the upper, more recent level was similar but cleaner.
A large, strong Mycenaean wall discovered in previous excavation was traced for a further 20m. At the north end it forms an angle to the southwest, and continues for a further 12m. At the south end, it defined a prominence to the east within which was cut the Geometric (ninth-century) grave found in 2009. Fills west of the wall contained pottery from the later Mycenaean to Archaic periods. The wall was extended to the south, probably during the Archaic period, taking a westwards turn. A further large Mycenaean wall, preserved to a height of 1.8m, was completely uncovered (revealing a length of 14m). Pottery from within the structure dates it to LH IIIB.
Finds from the lower city comprise Mycenaean and Archaic figurine fragments, obsidian and flint tools, fragments of stone vessels, jewellery and sealstones, coins, lead weights, metal sheet, iron nails, chisels and hooks, arrow heads and sling shot, terracotta loomweights and spools, sections of plaster and wallpainting, remains of pigments, bones, and numerous Mycenaean, Geometric and Archaic sherds.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
Ergon (2010) 15-19.
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Date de création
2011-06-18 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-09 10:31:29