Mt Lykaion - 2023
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Lykaion, Derbouni
Lykaion, Derbouni
Notices et opérations liées
Mount Lykaion - Derbouni. David Gilman Romano (University of Arizona) and Mary E. Voyatzis (University of Arizona) report on the Mount Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project.
Much of our work involved the study and cataloguing of ceramics and small finds especially from the altar of Zeus with particular focus on some of the key archaeological features from the altar. Other work was focused on the study and analysis of the roof tiles from the lower sanctuary, and the creation of digital stratigraphic plans and sections from the excavated.
Much of our work involved the study and cataloguing of ceramics and small finds especially from the altar of Zeus with particular focus on some of the key archaeological features from the altar. Other work was focused on the study and analysis of the roof tiles from the lower sanctuary, and the creation of digital stratigraphic plans and sections from the excavated.
Auteur de la notice
Georgios Mouratidis
Références bibliographiques
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Date de création
2024-09-12 13:32:59
Dernière modification
2024-12-03 10:43:37