Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Saronikos Kolpos, Saronic
Saronikos Kolpos, Saronic
Notices et opérations liées
Saronic Harbors Archaeological Research Project (SHARP). D. Pullen (ASCSA/Florida) and T. Tartaron (ASCSA/Pennsylvania) report on the 2010 study season.
Architectural documentation was completed at Kalamianos (Fig. 1) and Stiri (Fig. 2), along with analysis of Mycenaean terrace walls in the survey area. Architectural features beyond these sites were revisited (Fig. 3) to clarify their morphology, chronology, function, and relationship to the wider landscape. Certain small, elliptical stone features were dated to the Early Bronze Age, a period now characterized by three main types of architecture in the survey area: settlement structures, elliptical stone enclosures, and stone cairns. For the Mycenaean period, settlement structures, large walled enclosures, and terrace walls are recognised.
Some 3,040 items (2250 sherds, 730 stones, 60 shell and other materials) from the 2007-2009 field seasons have now been fully documented: 13,600 items were documented in the field. Study of the spatial distribution of calcium carbonate concretions on over a hundred sherds from buildings at Kalamianos and Stiri will aid in the determination of the buildings’ life histories, exposed to the elements. Much of the shell collected during the survey comes from the rubble cores of Mycenaean walls; along with sherds and ground stone, it was included in the gravel used to fill the interior of the walls. The limited number of species represented were mostly collected dead. Raw nodules of Melian obsidian were imported to Kalamianos, processed on site near the shore, and subsequently distributed to interior locations mainly as flakes and blades.
L. Tzortzopoulou-Gregory continued research in oral history by interviewing residents of Korphos and Sophiko. A focus this year has been maritime life in Korphos and the relationship between the Korphiotes and those dwelling on the islands and shores of the Saronic Gulf.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
Unpublished field report, American School of Classical Studies at Athens
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Date de création
2011-02-28 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-06 13:54:01