AXOS - 2006
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Église - Temple - Sépulture - Figurine - Inscription - Monnaie - Édifice religieux - Sanctuaire - Territoire
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Axos. E. Tegou (25th EPCA) reports on excavations at several spots on the acropolis (Fig. 1) in 2005-2006. On the northern side, at Ag. Ioannis, architectural remains (walls and pebble floors) were visible in fields south of the church. One demarcated a threshing floor, the others cobbled surfaces and destruction debris of tiles. The pottery dates from the Late Minoan period to modern. A pair of late Christian cist graves was excavated. Walls of another five rooms were found on the northern slopes, amidst a wide range of (mostly Byzantine) pottery and a fragment of a Hellenistic inscription. To the southeast lies a Venetian aqueduct into which an honorary inscription of the first century BC to the first century AD had been built. A hoard of nine coins of the city-state of Axos dating to 200-175 BC were found, as well as four later Hellenistic, six Roman, one Byzantine and two Venetian coins. At Sto Mouri, Venetian architecture was uncovered, as well as three terracotta animal figurines similar to those recovered from the open-air sanctuary of Demeter at Stou Gerakaro to the west. From Madopa, chance finds of an amphora, a perfume bottle and an aryballoid lekythos revealed the presence nearby of an Early Hellenistic cemetery (mid fourth- to early third-century BC). In 2008, geophysical survey at a number of separate locations succeeded in identifying the exact location of the lost Temple of Aphrodite.
Auteur de la notice
Références bibliographiques
AEK 1 (2010), 490-97
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Date de création
2011-02-15 00:00:00
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2023-10-06 11:29:06