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Ag. Triada
Ag. Triada
Notices et opérations liées
Agia Triada. V. La Rosa (SAIA/Catania) reports on the 2009 study season of material from old and recent excavations, particularly from the Casa delle sfere fittili o deimuri di argilla (hereafter Casa ... argilla) which was excavated in 1904-1905, 1912 and 1914, a lower status structure at the western border of the settlement, north of the large wall (Muraglione a denti) and south of superior buildings such as the Casa del Lebete. Material from room D of the West Building was also reviewed. Excavation was also carried out in the Casa … argilla in 2009. The common goal of both study and excavation was the recovery of a LMIB phase after the destruction of the Villa, which has additional bearing on the nature and the stratigraphical autonomy of a phase which, like LMII, is otherwise known at both Ag. Triada and Phaistos from pottery in mixed deposits.
The Casa … argilla had two distinct architectural phases (the core of the earlier building lay in the northern part), and was almost certainly never structurally linked to the Casa del Lebete. In the southwestern corner (rooms 9- 10) of the later structure, which was partly investigated by Halbherr, an earlier floor corresponds to other floors both in this building and in the Casa del Lebete. A violent fire destroyed it: among vessels in the floor deposit was an amphora (Fig. 1). An inverted tripod pot under the floor marked a foundation deposit. This destruction, as that of the Villa and the Casa del Lebete, dates to mature LMIB. Further, above the early floor a second floor was isolated, with small postholes (probably for some purpose connected with a craft installation). This had pottery, which, while LMIB, clearly heralds LMII in some forms and decoration. It is suggested that such finds indicate a swift reoccupation after the main LMIB destruction and abandonments elsewhere here.
Reinterpretation of structures excavated by Halbherr has permitted the distinction of a third phase of construction of great importance. The erstwhile room 10 of the Casa ... argilla is now interpreted as a stepped altar, such as that seen on the painted sarcophagus from this site. A stone-filled rectangular platform (1.75m x 1.3m), it had an extension to the west and probably a couple of steps (Fig. 2). Stratigraphical and architectural concerns date it to LMII. It is seen as a rededication of the once residential area, amidst a sea of ruins. This was followed in LMIIIA1 by the construction of shrine E, just to the east of the ruined Casa del Lebete. The process of reclamation was taken further in LMIIIA2 with the creation of the large Casa dei vani aggiunti progressivamente, partly over the Casa del Lebete. With this went the abandonment of shrine E, replaced by that to the southeast of the original Villa (with its painted marine-life floor).
The Casa … argilla had two distinct architectural phases (the core of the earlier building lay in the northern part), and was almost certainly never structurally linked to the Casa del Lebete. In the southwestern corner (rooms 9- 10) of the later structure, which was partly investigated by Halbherr, an earlier floor corresponds to other floors both in this building and in the Casa del Lebete. A violent fire destroyed it: among vessels in the floor deposit was an amphora (Fig. 1). An inverted tripod pot under the floor marked a foundation deposit. This destruction, as that of the Villa and the Casa del Lebete, dates to mature LMIB. Further, above the early floor a second floor was isolated, with small postholes (probably for some purpose connected with a craft installation). This had pottery, which, while LMIB, clearly heralds LMII in some forms and decoration. It is suggested that such finds indicate a swift reoccupation after the main LMIB destruction and abandonments elsewhere here.
Reinterpretation of structures excavated by Halbherr has permitted the distinction of a third phase of construction of great importance. The erstwhile room 10 of the Casa ... argilla is now interpreted as a stepped altar, such as that seen on the painted sarcophagus from this site. A stone-filled rectangular platform (1.75m x 1.3m), it had an extension to the west and probably a couple of steps (Fig. 2). Stratigraphical and architectural concerns date it to LMII. It is seen as a rededication of the once residential area, amidst a sea of ruins. This was followed in LMIIIA1 by the construction of shrine E, just to the east of the ruined Casa del Lebete. The process of reclamation was taken further in LMIIIA2 with the creation of the large Casa dei vani aggiunti progressivamente, partly over the Casa del Lebete. With this went the abandonment of shrine E, replaced by that to the southeast of the original Villa (with its painted marine-life floor).
Auteur de la notice
Références bibliographiques
Unpublished field report, Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene
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Date de création
2011-02-14 00:00:00
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2023-10-06 11:18:15