Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Zakros Ormos
Zakros Ormos
Notices et opérations liées
Zakro region, Choiromandres. S. Chrysoulaki (ΚΔ' ΕΠΚΑ) reports on further research in 2000, focused in three areas.
At the fort at Choiromandres, study of finds and further excavation concentrated upon the earliest phase. A trial was dug in the Paved Area (Fig. 1) to bedrock: lower walls of the First Palace period were found, re-used as supports for the pavement on which lay LMIB material. In area I, there is an entrance at the south and furniture (a bench or potstand) at the west, post-dating LMIA. In area III, the fill below the LMIB floor contained a cross wall of First Palace date and a large slab which may have been a base for a wooden pillar: associated pottery is mixed MMII to LMI, with murex shells, a terracotta pendant in female form, bronze pins and sheet (perhaps from a dagger) and a seal with a sketchy depiction of a speared goat and sun (Fig. 2). Area IV (Fig. 3) was dug deep at the south: in its LMIB form it had a beaten earth floor and a door to the north. Earlier walls relate to others in area III to create a sizeable room slightly to the west, with an earth floor beneath which was mixed fill of First Palace date. The North Terrace was constructed after the main building: it yielded MMIIIA to LMIA material, again with First Palace period material below. Lastly, area VI may have served ritual purposes: it is entered from the outside only at the east, where there is a bench. Pots lay on the floor and on the bench, which had traces of burning: the floor itself dates to LMIB, and there was MMIII to LMIA fill below it. Finds include parts of a female figurine and two rhyta. Post-LMIB, the area was left open to the air.
Auteur de la notice
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 55 (2000), Chr, 1046-49
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Date de création
2011-02-08 00:00:00
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2023-10-06 10:56:37