Trypi - church of Agios Giannakis - 2017
Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων (Université de Ioannina)
Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Λακωνίας (Éphorie des antiquités de Laconie)
Trypi - church of Agios Giannakis. Christos Stavrakos (University of Ioannina) and Evangelia Pantou (Ephorate of Antiquities of Lakonia) report on the discovery of a metrical inscription carved on the marble altar table reused in the sanctuary of the post-Byzantine church of Ai-Giannakis in the village Trypi on Mount Taygetos. The inscription dates to the Middle Byzantine period (10th-11th century). The text comprises four dodekasyllable verses. Because the plaque is built into the apse wall, only the first verse can be read in its entirety; the remaining verses are either partially read or not at all. Interestingly, the second and fourth verses try to keep the prosodic metre as well. The content of the epigram is related to the Holy Communion.
Xanthopoulou, M., Banou, A., Zymi, E., Giannouli, E., Karapanagiotou, A. and Koumousi, A. (eds). 2020. Το αρχαιολογικό έργο στην Πελοπόννησο 2. Πρακτικά της Β ́ Επιστημονικής Συνάντησης Καλαμάτα, 1-4 Νοεμβρίου 2017. pp. 609–20
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