Platiana - “Aloni Mpoliari” site - 2010
Platiana - “Aloni Mpoliari” site. Georgia Emm. Hadji-Spiliopoulou (Z’ EPKA) reports on the excavation in the semi-excavated acropolis area. The excavation revealed a temple-like building. Furthermore, a Hellenistic burial was found in the SW hillside of the acropolis.
Although the temple-like building’s findings weren’t many, its existence indicated that public buildings or sanctuaries related to the Acropolis were built in the area.
The Hellenistic burial contained many noteworthy findings, amongst which were sepulchral pediment-shaped stelai (fig. 1) and a the head of a female marble statue, which was fixed onto a tuff-stone torso via fix-holes. The head was named “Lady of Platiana” (fig. 2), it was dated during the late Roman times, and it probably had an upper torso of an earlier dating.
[Entry created by E. Kourti]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 789-790
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