Pyrgos - Triantafillia Korifis site - 2010
Pyrgos - Triantafillia Korifis site. Georgia Emm. Hadji-Spiliopoulou (Z’ EPKA) reports on the rescue excavation that took place in the Panaitoliko Mt. The excavation was held due to a Study of Environmental Consequences for an installation of a waste burial site in the area (fig. 1).
The excavation revealed remains of an extended organized Mycenaean settlement, where a palace-like construction (megaron) was found (fig. 2). The settlement was directly linked to three tholos tombs which had been excavate by the Z’ EPKA in 2008, as well as a farmhouse dated between the Hellenistic and the Roman times, which had its own cemetery. This project was the first time Mycenaean remains were found in Ilia.
The site (two hills) had excellent resources, natural beauty and panoramic view to the Ionian sea, which explained the continuous use of it. The Ephorate forbid the installation of a waste disposal site in this area.
[Entry created by E. Kourti]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 788-789
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