GEROPLATANOS - Doliani - 2000
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Geroplatanos, Doliani
Geroplatanos, Doliani
Notices et opérations liées
Geroplatanos, Doliani. G. Riginos (Η' ΕΠΚΑ) reports on excavation along the road connecting Geroplatanos with the new bridge over the Kalamas river, northeast of the ancient settlement at Doliani, at the base of the hill associated by Dakaris with the cemetery of that settlement.
Eleven cist graves, all oriented northwest-southeast, contained mostly single and, in two cases, double, inhumations. Six women and three men (aged 25−50) can be identified from the skeletal remains. The tombs were poorly furnished with only a little jewellery (three rings and three silver and bronze earrings) and a whole pot used as a grave marker, plus a few sherds from the fill outside. These finds date to the 10th to the 11th century AD and have parallels at the extensive Byzantine cemetery found 3km away at the site of the regional refuse disposal facility at Korytiani.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 55 (2000) Chr, 659−660
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Date de création
2011-01-11 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-06 09:55:04